These are the users that follow Chris Smith mutually.
Roland_Pirklbauer Roland_Pirklbauer 2757107
shirejedi Brian Poole 3291131
eigenVector Jonathan W MacCollum 126342466
orangemaze orangemaze 8644115
Jorge_Guerrero Jorge Guerrero Pérez 92895
MarkSansom Mark Sansom 256268477
Sergei_Sankov Sergei Sankov 380262509
Jir11 Jirair Afarian 519174157
Guit83 Guillaume Cullet 32102279
MikeF29 Michael Feigenbaum 305821747
astroCH Christophe Perroud 67176245
Bernhard_H Bernhard Himmer 1759163
ac4lt Linda 157428419
G400 G400 595588599
makhlouta Michel Makhlouta 99191161
Doublegui Doublegui 513934
Loxley Loxley 55263192
Cosmiccharlie1973 Cosmiccharlie1973 63377
JohnnyBellisario John Michael Bellisario 42189402
olivierr31 Olivier Ravayrol 838589
LeodeRaad Leo de Raad 2718
Joel85 Joel85 83133224
Alfred Alfred Leitgeb 1165641155