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The Heart Nebula Narrowband Hubble Palette...24235
NGC 2685...19345631
NGC 2736...632112
NGC2146 - A Twisted Mess...57657
Cepheus Mosaic in Ha...55161
NGC1333 amidst a sea of dust (revised with more Lum data & collaboration with Paddy Gilliland)...723136
NGC 660...17510
M 13, weil den noch niemand fotografiert hat...1381917
LBN782 - more dust...808104
Iris Nebula / NGC 7023...23434
NGC 6888 in Narrow Band Ha, NII+OIII, OIII...30132
M42 - Orion Nebula With NGC1993/5/7 - The Running Man...45511
Lynds Bright Nebula LBN777 and Bernard 207...100092
M108 et M97...11020
Hind's Variable Nebula...945234
LBN 468...643174
IC410, IC405, IC417, NGC1931 and M38 2 pane mosaic bi-colour...45675
LBN 782...896254
LDN 1251, Dark nebula...44534
SRO LBN 468...8982018
IC443 (Sh2-248) - The Jellyfish nebula - In HST palette...32323559
NGC 6888...77521