These are the users that follow sky-watcher (johny) mutually.
Astro_vestfold Knut Hagen 38120179
mikematthews Mike Matthews 514348
newtonCs Newton 65239289
luigi67 Luigi Ghilardi 93216129
superelch Thomas Richter 2851052264
Magellen Fritz 49016581101
exmedia Richard Pattie 72277417
rrsanchezg Roger R. Sanchez Giammattei 54100123
FrancoisT Francois Theriault 217358873
Astratudo Jeff Clayton 107165255
astrosmh Stephen Harris 4985222
m-nouroozi Mohammad Nouroozi 107712137
trobbet Tom Robbe 166407291
Nimbus Jim Coughlan 28100207
Caspar Caspar Schumann 111458750
Tino Tino Leichsenring 69134123
SparkyHT SparkyHT 187331454
jhayes_tucson John Hayes 1441561199
Suabelis Jürgen Kemmerer 16918965
zYgoat Wesley Joseph 44123190
Gotthard Gotthard Stuhm 39518286011
Lotz Markus A. R. Langlotz 3511071938
IrvingPieters Irving Pieters 70129136
GiorgioFerrari Giorgio Ferrari 158779779
nonsens2 nonsens2 772258610
einpark Sung-Joon Park 14318189
Josef1968 Josef Büchsenmeister 342342460
bfde974 Brice Fayd'Herbe 24920375
renan Renan 56477585
astronomynut Caley 0183347
patrickgilliland Paddy Gilliland 19014281196
mesh83 Prath Pavaskar 137203274
Retrograde Peter Pat 98184137
Knox Stephan Reinhold 295267217
Seldom Seldom 266174375
Meridian Thomas Westphal 65326102
casamoci casamoci 90264492
Andreas_Zeinert Andreas Zeinert 141474306
geoflewis Geof Lewis 536343593
ARVS Andrés Ruiz de Valdivia 71255256
echosud echosud 205145194
Fabio_Mirra Fabio Mirra 91116115
gnomus Steve Milne 301661117
paddy36 paddy36 139413904
Seal Seal 76114175
darkstar3d darkstar3d 2949216
blueangel Jim Matzger 26213793860
tomrgray Tom Gray 396257114
Joerg_Meier Joerg Meier 232165322
JMDean JMDean 70115176
mkline Mike Kline 139277245
kimbuuu Hakan Midik 63110114
Lepidopterous Lepidopterous 99160244
vermakke Marc Verhoeven 1391088775
RichardBoudreau RichardBoudreau 114170232
SpacemanSpiff SpacemanSpiff 5093135
de0s Andrei 31287495
AC1000 AC1000 458531483
Spechtler Thomas Hellwing 3395219
qbool John Renaud 110398409