Contains:  Extremely wide field
StarCup, Old Caravansary, Meteor, Zodiacal light, Orion, Ehsan Ebrahimian

StarCup, Old Caravansary, Meteor, Zodiacal light, Orion

StarCup, Old Caravansary, Meteor, Zodiacal light, Orion, Ehsan Ebrahimian

StarCup, Old Caravansary, Meteor, Zodiacal light, Orion



Acquisition details



On August 17th, the Avastar Astronomy Group in Iran hosted the 8th Starcup event, a competition designed to help participants become more familiar with the night sky through solving puzzles, finding deep-sky objects with a telescope, and answering questions about astronomy and the night sky. This photo captures the event's final moments as morning approached.

This event was founded by a dear friend of mine, Seyed Mostafa Emam who passed away 5 years ago.

foreground: 4x20s @ iso1600
background: 35x20s iso 1600 (untracked)

Location: Iran, Ghasre - Bahram Caravansary



StarCup, Old Caravansary, Meteor, Zodiacal light, Orion, Ehsan Ebrahimian