Contains:  Solar system body or event
Caucasus and Apenninus Mons, Toni Font

Caucasus and Apenninus Mons

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Caucasus and Apenninus Mons, Toni Font

Caucasus and Apenninus Mons

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



The photo is crossed by the Caucasus Mountains to the north and the Apenninus Mountains to the south. To the west of the strait that separates the mountain ranges, the Aristillus and Autolycus craters. More to the West, emerging from the shadows, the Archimedes crater. North of the Caucasus, Aristoteles and Eudoxus. To the East of the strait, the Mare Serenitatis.

I have achieved a surface resolution of 1Km, 0.50" apparent, that is, the maximum possible for this telescope, which according to the manual is 0.57"

It is a mosaic of five panels, each coming from a video of 20000 frames. Processed with Autostakkert, stacking 1,000 of the 20,000 frames



Caucasus and Apenninus Mons, Toni Font