Contains:  Extremely wide field
Priddy Pools Milky Way Arch, Jody K

Priddy Pools Milky Way Arch

Priddy Pools Milky Way Arch, Jody K

Priddy Pools Milky Way Arch



Acquisition details



Taken over new moon with my modified Canon 6D and the Samyang 24mm lens at f/2 for the sky.  f/8 for the foreground.

The sky is a 12 pane panorama with each pane taken at 2 x 80s ISO1600 on my Omegon star tracker.  The foreground is 12 x30s at ISO200.

Sky images stacked in Sequator and then stitched in Microsoft ICE.  Foreground stitched in Microsoft ICE.  All processing carried out in Siril and GIMP.

Included a bit of light painting to show my support to the Ukrainian people.



Priddy Pools Milky Way Arch, Jody K