IC 5070 - Pelican Nebula Starless, Slickrock

IC 5070 - Pelican Nebula Starless

IC 5070 - Pelican Nebula Starless, Slickrock

IC 5070 - Pelican Nebula Starless



Acquisition details



An old image of the Pelican Nebula that I captured in the backyard back in 2016, but never processed because the stars all looked like little comets rather than nice pin-points of light (an optics problem). The Pentax M* 67 400mm lens is a great lens, but not so good wide open for stars; it needs to stopped down a couple stops for decent stars, but then you have an not-so-fast wide field lens. Anyway, I thought I would try removing the stars completely and see what I could come up with.



IC 5070 - Pelican Nebula Starless, Slickrock