Starry Night, varrqnuht



Acquisition details



It was a clear and starry night last night. There's not a great deal of light pollution where I live, and after a few minutes outside in the dark your eyes adjust and the sky is just filled with stars.

Growing up down here I've always been lucky enough to be able to look up and see the Milky Way as a bright band across the sky, but since I started playing with my camera this year in an effort to get better at taking pictures of the night sky, I'm *amazed* at how much more is up there than I can see with the naked eye - and at how easy it is to see other galaxies and nebulae with nothing more than a camera and a tripod.

I can't wait to get a telescope!

This image is the end result of processing 21 separate frames shot with a Canon 600D and EF 50mm f/1.8 lens on a tripod. Camera controlled using EOS tools on my laptop, individual frames processed in Aperture and stacked in Nebulosity 3.



Starry Night, varrqnuht