Great Orion Nebula, Shailesh Trivedi

Great Orion Nebula

Great Orion Nebula, Shailesh Trivedi

Great Orion Nebula



Acquisition details



Imagine you are on a space ship and have travelled a long 1400 light years from Earth. Tired from your journey, you see light that began travelling towards Earth when the Byzantine Empire flourished and Constantinople (modern day Istanbul) was its capital. Suddenly you come across an animal, what looks like an old beast that has been cut open with its innards spilling out. You can see its thoracic cavity, its heart has been removed; an empty void where it once existed. Its head dangling from the side of the body after it was severed. A casualty of war. As a result of this, there are gases and dust spewing from the torso where the head once stood high and tall. You just arrived at one of the most glorious deep sky objects in the Milkyway. The Great Orion Nebula is part of the sword of constellation Orion, the mighty warrior. This is a star nursery with at least 700 stars in various stages of birth and growth. Stars form when clumps of hydrogen and other gasses in the Hydrogen Alpha region (red color) contract under their own gravity. The clump grows larger and temperature increases by converting gravitational potential energy into thermal energy. With high enough temperature & pressure, nuclear fusion is ignited forming a star which emits sufficient energy to prevent further gravitation collapse.



Great Orion Nebula, Shailesh Trivedi