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Star Trail, Amresh Kulkarni

Star Trail

Star Trail, Amresh Kulkarni

Star Trail


Camping along the Utah-Arizona border presented some amazingly clear night skies, ideal for capturing star trails. I had rented out a Rokinon 24mm for this purpose, as it had had good reviews for night photography. The setup was simple, mounted my Canon 6D on a tripod and used my iphones compass to aim northward. The main challenge is to find a sharp focus and locating 'infinity', which is not easy as it does not coincide exactly at the marking mentioned on the lens.. After a few trials I had this setup hoping i would get Polaris in the frame. With an interval I took 30 second exposures every 30 seconds for 2-3 hrs.

Used StarStax software which is freely available to stack up around 200+ images to get this trail.

This image was featured in Austin Astronomical Society's newsletter 'Sidereal Times' for October 2014 as 'Image of the Month'!

[url= Archive/ST201410.pdf]Sidereal Times Oct 2014 newsletter[/url]



Star Trail, Amresh Kulkarni