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M27, Josh Smith




Acquisition details



Not much to do on my 30 hours of flying across the world, but keep plugging away at my astro skills or watch the same movies over and over. I'm creating a series of mini tutorials and revisited my M27 data for a few of the segments. There will be a few more versions coming from this target, but I paused at this place because I really enjoyed the results. As usual, starless images aren't for everyone, but I really enjoy them as I think they let you feel and view the structure of the nebula much more. As always, C&C's much appreciated and thanks for looking!

Version A has a softer color palette with less saturation.

Version B has a more saturated palette and a little brighter gas.

Version C is the result of a collaboration with Cloudy Nights member MadRatter.

This is a joint effort with myself and Cloudy Nights member Madratter. I combined my narrowband starless M27 image with rgb stars that MR collected. The stars were gathered with a 8300 SBig camera and AT8RC while the narrowband data was collected with my SV105 and QSI683. Thanks MR!!



  • M27, Josh Smith
  • M27, Josh Smith
  • Final
    M27, Josh Smith


M27, Josh Smith