Contains:  Gear
GPU cluster, griz11

GPU cluster


A pair of nvidia Tegra K1 processors capable of 600Gflops of math crunching ability when used together in a cluster. They do the fft for my focus routine in 32ms. That is a single board I expect a 35-40% drop when I add in the other one. Also the sample test I used is only set up for 32 cores I found so once that is adjusted it will be significantly quicker. I now have the best tech support possible on the controller for my rig. Ran into the guy that wrote the software for it on one of the other forums. They are also messing with GPU's and FFT;s for Speckle Interferometry. Sharp guy he also wrote the focus software for planetwave. Way above my level. I have the astrometry software running already. Does a solve pretty quick. I'll have to see if there are any possible ways to parallel that process. The Jetsons will run Linux win10 android or chrome os. I'm slowly slipping back into computational astronomy. I like making pretty pictures but its quite boring actually while the scope is taking shots. And there are a lot of things you can do with it the moon doesn't effect either. So more nights under the stars. It was stunning here the other night. Our club had a star party and the sky was just perfect. Nary a twinkle.



GPU cluster, griz11