Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Taurus (Tau)  ·  Contains:  M 1  ·  NGC 1952
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M1 Crab Nebula NGC1952, Alastairmk
M1 Crab Nebula NGC1952
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M1 Crab Nebula NGC1952

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M1 Crab Nebula NGC1952, Alastairmk
M1 Crab Nebula NGC1952
Powered byPixInsight

M1 Crab Nebula NGC1952



Acquisition details



Narrow band SHO image of the Crab Nebula taken from an urban backyard under conditions of poor seeing and high light pollution. Extensive processing using tone maps, enhanced luminance and aggressive noise reduction and sharpening to partially compensate for mediocre data. Data collected over 10 nights in late November to December 2020 as object disappeared and reappeared from trees that partially obstruct the view from backyard observatory. Images captured on ZWO ASI1600MM-C cooled to -15C at Gain 139

Processed with Pixinsight. Conventional narrowband processing produced a washed out image and bloated stars, so I finally settled on the following workflow after much experimentation. This produces unusual colours, but I hope they does justice to the massive energy of the July 1054CE supernova.

WBPP with CosmeticCorrection



Large scale noise reduction with MultiscaleLinearTransform

Background equalisation for each channel with PixelMath

Creation of starless tone maps for each channel with StarNet++

Clean tone maps with CloneStamp and MLT

Creation of enhanced luminance master with Ha master and O3 and S2 tone maps & noise reduction with TGV and MMT using a GAME mask

Stretch enhanced luminance master with HistogramTransform followed by sharpening with MLT and UnsharpMask

Creation of RGB tone map with PixelMath and noise reduction using masked MMT and TGV.

Stretch RGB master with MaskedStretch.

Remove 65% of green with SCNR (this worked better than using colour masks)

LRGB combination and further tweaks with UnsharpMask and CurvesTransformation



  • M1 Crab Nebula NGC1952, Alastairmk
  • Final
    M1 Crab Nebula NGC1952, Alastairmk


Title: Reprocessed with RC Astro plug-ins and GHS

Description: The original data was reprocessed using the original WBPP masters for SII, Ha and OII with BlurXterminator and NoiseXterminator. Star colors were calibrated using SpectroPhotometricCC without adjusting the nebula colors. StarXterminator was used to create separate images of the nebula and stars, which were stretched using GHS before being recombined. Final adjustments with MMT 10 layers, nebula masked, to smooth background mottling, SCNR to reduce green by 50% and a small saturation boost with CurvesTransform. Result is a vast improvement over the original.

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Sky plot

Sky plot


M1 Crab Nebula NGC1952, Alastairmk

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