Contains:  Extremely wide field
Milky Way in a Lensball, Didier FOURNIL

Milky Way in a Lensball

Milky Way in a Lensball, Didier FOURNIL

Milky Way in a Lensball



Acquisition details



As a photographer by training, I like to approach astrophotography with purely photographic challenges, while putting celestial and terrestrial elements in relation. This has the advantage to provide concrete guidelines for the observer.
Here, the challenge was to make the Milky Way appear in a lensball... In order to obtain a satisfactory result, this requires a sky absolutely free of any light pollution, and the sky of Namibia was perfectly suited to it.
The difficulty was also to hold the ball by one hand, without that one moves during the 20 seconds of exposure, at the risk of having a blurred milky way... There, I have my little secret...

Technicals data:
TIFF 8256X5504 24 bit
ISO 2500
TAMRON 35mm f/1.4

Note: To make this shot, I had to bagarer in order to collect enough light. The 500 rule, in order not to have a star spin, required me not to exceed an exposure time of more than 15 seconds. This very short time had to be compensated by a very high asa sensitivity, as well as an extremely open diaphragm...

More informations on my Blog :



Milky Way in a Lensball, Didier FOURNIL