Omega Centauri with EdgeHD11 on CGE-Pro video guided with MetaGuide and OAG, Freestar8n

Omega Centauri with EdgeHD11 on CGE-Pro video guided with MetaGuide and OAG

Omega Centauri with EdgeHD11 on CGE-Pro video guided with MetaGuide and OAG, Freestar8n

Omega Centauri with EdgeHD11 on CGE-Pro video guided with MetaGuide and OAG



Acquisition details



This is in semi-false Sloan colors, with i' -> red, r' -> green, g' -> blue. This gives a wider spectral range with no gaps. The colors were calibrated using custom code and UCAC4 field stars with AMASS Sloan photometry. The color calibration was deterministic and Photoshop CS6 was used only to apply levels. The result is consistent with a mostly red/orange cluster, corresponding to a very old system.



Omega Centauri with EdgeHD11 on CGE-Pro video guided with MetaGuide and OAG, Freestar8n