Image of the day 06/03/2016

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    Ngc 5899, 5900 Tidal streams and more, John D

    Ngc 5899, 5900 Tidal streams and more



    Acquisition details



    Seldom photographed NGC 5899 & 5900 (top) and NGC 5893,5895,5896 (bottom left) in Bootes. N5899 & 5900 are approx. 120 MLY distant. Judging by the tidal stream on NGC 5900, they appear to have had possible gravitational confrontation in the past. N5899 has an interesting “prominence” tidal stream loop stretching up towards the east which appears to be an interaction with what looks like a satellite galaxy (SDSS J151510.91+420334.6). The cropped inverted image (original image) helps portray these features. Very faint and distant galaxy cluster NCS J151456+420852 (estimated distance 3.6 Billion LY) can be seen here located about half way between n5899 and n5900 down just to the right and slightly above the brightest star in the inverted image. The Magnitudes range here from 20 to 22.5 so they are very faint (Credit Bernhard Hubl's website for that tidbit).

    NGC 5893 and n5895 at the lower left are estimated to be about 250 MLY distant, while N5896 is estimated at 915 MLY. This group together is listed in the Homberg catalogue as Holmberg 701. The galaxy on the lower right is CGC221-040. The Bright star is a mag 6 star which created a bit of a challenge.

    LRGB: L 102 x 600; RGB 18 x 300 each

    Original Image = Invered Crop; Image A = dark point set for brighter room


    John D



      Ngc 5899, 5900 Tidal streams and more, John D
      Ngc 5899, 5900 Tidal streams and more, John D
    • Final
      Ngc 5899, 5900 Tidal streams and more, John D


    Ngc 5899, 5900 Tidal streams and more, John D

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