Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Hercules (Her)  ·  Contains:  Great Cluster in Hercules  ·  M 13  ·  NGC 6205
Messier 13, Daniel.P
Messier 13
Powered byPixInsight

Messier 13

Messier 13, Daniel.P
Messier 13
Powered byPixInsight

Messier 13



Acquisition details



Equipment used :

first & 2nd night : AO with OAG

3rd nights : AO + ONAG (on axis guiding)

No dithering on first night subs.

Pre-processing done in Pixinsight :

- overscan area offset correction

- bias correction

- dark correction using 7 x 1800 s darks

- flat correction

- hot pixel correction

- debayer

- registration

- stack

Processing done in Pixinsight :

- backgroung color neutralisation

- color calibration using cluster

- sky background removal (DBE in PI)

- slight deconvolution

- non linear image creation

- color saturation boost masked

- TGV denoise (no mask)

Final image :

- jpeg calibration done in Mac Photo (levels adjust and further saturation boost)


Sky plot

Sky plot


Messier 13, Daniel.P