Contains:  Solar system body or event
My first solar image, John's Backyard

My first solar image

My first solar image, John's Backyard

My first solar image



Acquisition details



I just recent got a piece of thousand oaks optical 6x6 solar film to try out some solar photography. I rigged together a paper bowl, two legal folders and a lot of tape to make filter sleeve/mount. For my first ever solar photography attempt, I don't think I did too bad.

For those wanting to know the  processing side, I took 5 of the best shots and stacked them in Siril and added a 2x drizzle to the final image. Then I brought it into GIMP to get a 6000x4000 pixel photo (similar to what would come off the d5600), sharpen it slightly (really didn't really do much) and exported out of a 130 mb .xcf file.



My first solar image, John's Backyard