Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  34 Cyg)  ·  34 P Cyg  ·  Crescent Nebula  ·  HD191024  ·  HD191176  ·  HD191257  ·  HD191290  ·  HD191396  ·  HD191397  ·  HD191424  ·  HD191472  ·  HD192003  ·  HD192020  ·  HD192041  ·  HD192078  ·  HD192102  ·  HD192123  ·  HD192163  ·  HD192182  ·  HD192303  ·  HD192361  ·  HD192422  ·  HD192443  ·  HD192444  ·  HD192537  ·  HD192744  ·  HD192766  ·  HD192934  ·  HD193032  ·  HD193076  ·  And 119 more.
Crescent Nebula with Vespera, Antoine Grelin
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Crescent Nebula with Vespera, Antoine Grelin
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Acquisition details



The Crescent Nebula using Vespera from home on a near full moon. Honestly impressed. Just shy of 10 hours of integration time. The JPG version on the app didn't show much, but I was able to reveal much more when processing the master TIFF files on PixInsight. You can see a comparison between the app processing and my processing here: https://www.galactic-hunter.com/post/ngc-6888-the-crescent-nebula


Sky plot

Sky plot


Crescent Nebula with Vespera, Antoine Grelin