M20 Trifid Nebula FWAS RSOA, michael.teer

M20 Trifid Nebula FWAS RSOA

M20 Trifid Nebula FWAS RSOA, michael.teer

M20 Trifid Nebula FWAS RSOA



Acquisition details



The Trifid Nebula, or M20, is an H II region in the north-west of Sagittarius.  Its name means 'three-lobe'. The object is an unusual combination of an open cluster of stars, an emission nebula (the relatively dense, reddish-pink portion), a reflection nebula (the mainly NNE blue portion), and a dark nebula (the apparent 'gaps' in the former that cause the trifurcated appearance).

The most massive star that has formed in this region is HD 164492A, a star with a mass more than 20 times the mass of the Sun. This star is surrounded by a cluster of approximately 3100 young stars.

Images show a dense cloud of dust and gas, which is a stellar nursery full of embryonic stars. This cloud is about 8 light years away from the nebula's central star. A stellar jet protrudes from the head of the cloud and is about 0.75 light years long. The jet's source is a young stellar object deep within the cloud. Jets are the exhaust gasses of star formation and radiation from the nebula's central star makes the jet glow.

The images also showed a finger-like stalk to the right of the jet. It points from the head of the dense cloud directly toward the star that powers the Trifid nebula. This stalk is a prominent example of evaporating gaseous globules. The stalk has survived because its tip is a knot of gas that is dense enough to resist being eaten away by the powerful radiation from the star.

It is centered about 4100 light years from Earth. Its apparent magnitude is 6.3.



M20 Trifid Nebula FWAS RSOA, michael.teer