Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Sculptor (Scl)
ESO350-40 the Cartwheel Galaxy, Stefano Pesci
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ESO350-40 the Cartwheel Galaxy

ESO350-40 the Cartwheel Galaxy, Stefano Pesci
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ESO350-40 the Cartwheel Galaxy



Acquisition details



Image taken with T72 iTelescope, at Rio Hurtado, Chile, 5h integration LRGB.

One of the best examples of peculiar ring galaxy in the Southern Hemisphere, featured in the Catalogue of Southern Peculiar Galaxies Volume 2, by Halton Arp and Barry Madore. Below an image taken with the UK 48" Schmidt at Siding Spring on a blue plate, long before Hubble and JWST iconic images of this galaxy.

ESO350-40 UK 48 Schmidt.jpg


Sky plot

Sky plot


ESO350-40 the Cartwheel Galaxy, Stefano Pesci

In these public groups

Astrofili Dalai Lama
Imagers of Italy

In these collections

9 - Southern Gems Galaxies