Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Taurus (Tau)  ·  Contains:  16 Tau  ·  17 Tau  ·  19 q Tau  ·  20 Tau  ·  21 Tau  ·  22 Tau  ·  23 Tau  ·  24 Tau  ·  25 eta Tau  ·  Alcyone  ·  Asterope  ·  Celaeno  ·  Electra  ·  HD23325  ·  HD23326  ·  HD23361  ·  HD23375  ·  HD23387  ·  HD23409  ·  HD23479  ·  HD23489  ·  HD23512  ·  HD23568  ·  HD23585  ·  HD23607  ·  HD23609  ·  HD23628  ·  HD23631  ·  HD23632  ·  HD23642  ·  And 21 more.
M45, Peter Shah (Roboscopes)
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M45, Peter Shah (Roboscopes)
Powered byPixInsight




Acquisition details



I've been working on this scope for nearly two years. I've finally got it together ready for testing and this is the first image taken with it.. The telescope is a 10inch Dall-Kirkham fully corrected across a 50mm field F6.8 the camera is a full frame Starlight Xpress H35, Mount is a G41. So far the scope is performing amazingly....although I do have a little tilt on the sensor and I need to refine the optical spacing very slightly. To be honest I just couldn't wait to start imaging with it so Ill tweak it a little later on. Collimation is a breeze with no special tools needed and can all be done very easily on a star. To say I'm pleased would be an understatement.

M45 a single 20min exposure in each LRGB filter

Thanks for taking a look


Sky plot

Sky plot


M45, Peter Shah (Roboscopes)