Contains:  Solar system body or event
Mars With ADC - 3rd Try, Pat Darmody

Mars With ADC - 3rd Try



Acquisition details



See notes on Saturn with ADC image. ADC set at 0.625 divisions. We have had clear skies and great seeing here, nearly all week. Wanted to get at least one more shot at Mars before the Moon got too close. I have a few other videos from this night and may also play around with WinJupos again at some point.

After sharpening in Registax, I have been using PixInsight to do a LocalHistogramEqualization (with a luminance mask) to pull out some more detail, along with a slight saturation boost.

2,500 frames (best 50% of 5,000)

Exposure: 25 ms

Gain: 131 (21%)

79 alignment points (auto generated)

Thanks for looking



Mars With ADC - 3rd Try, Pat Darmody