Contains:  Solar system body or event
Moon 11 days - Copernicus and Plato - 2022/12/04, Michael Siedzik

Moon 11 days - Copernicus and Plato - 2022/12/04

Moon 11 days - Copernicus and Plato - 2022/12/04, Michael Siedzik

Moon 11 days - Copernicus and Plato - 2022/12/04



Acquisition details



Revisiting the moon 3 days after my prior session.  North is up. Plato is the round and dark crater at the top.  Copernicus showing some rays in right of middle.  Mare Imbrium ('Sea of Rain') lies between the two.

I used a barlow brought my 130 EDT's focal ratio up to f/16.  Seeing was markedly worse than 3 days ago, but AutoStakkert did a remarkable job cleaning up the jittery video!



Moon 11 days - Copernicus and Plato - 2022/12/04, Michael Siedzik