Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Cetus (Cet)
Abell370 Lensing Cluster, Wolfgang Promper
Abell370 Lensing Cluster
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Abell370 Lensing Cluster

Abell370 Lensing Cluster, Wolfgang Promper
Abell370 Lensing Cluster
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Abell370 Lensing Cluster



Acquisition details



I recently came across the HST Final Frontier image of Abell370 and thought it would be interesting to have a look at it.
It is quite awe inspiring that the distance is around 5 billion lightyears so actually the light is older than our planet.
The overall exposure time is 12 hours which is very long by my standards, the limiting magnitude of the luminance is close to mag 26.
The seeing was good but not as good as would have wanted, between 1.2" and 1.6"
Processing was challenging as the galaxies in the cluster are so small the BXT sees them as stars and does not produce a reasonable result.
I know it is visually not the most striking image but it was interresting to do.
Hope you like it.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Abell370 Lensing Cluster, Wolfgang Promper