Cederblad 214, Whatclearsky

Cederblad 214

Cederblad 214, Whatclearsky

Cederblad 214



Acquisition details



There were a few clear nights in August so I tried to add dual-narrowband data to my previous attempts at capturing this wonderful target.  I integrated 300sec subs from four sessions with two different telescopes, which is my longest total exposure time on a DSO so far.  I calibrated and integrated with APP as an HOO image since registration with Pixinsight was giving me a bit of grief.  I processed the rest in Pixinsight after updating to the latest version so I could try Bill Blanshan's new narrowband script.  I'm impressed!  After a crop, DBE, SPCC, BlurX,  NoiseX, StarX, and GHS, I ran the script as an HOO image.  Then I was playing round and took that image and ran it through the script a second time with the HSO setting (probably no one would recommend this).  I liked the result as it helped bring out a yellow hue that is hard to do with dual-narrowband data, at least with my skill level.



Cederblad 214, Whatclearsky