Contains:  Solar system body or event
Sun and Moon, Fausto Lubatti

Sun and Moon

Sun and Moon, Fausto Lubatti

Sun and Moon



Acquisition details



This picture shows Sun and Moon taken with the same optics at few hours of distance: the picture of the Sun was taken in the morning of the solstice day, while the picture of the almost full Moon was taken the day after in the evening, 42 hours later, when it was 99.5% illuminated and few hours before perigee.

It can be seen how the apparent Moon diameter is larger, compared to the Sun diameter: a noticeable difference when the two images are side by side, probably more difficult to see in the sky without a reference.

Data of pictures

Both picture taken with a Canon EOS 5D Mark II body directly mounted at the focus of a vintage Celestron C90 (Maksutov-Cassegrain, 90 mm aperture, 1000 mm focal length, f11) at Melegnano, Italy.



Exposure Time: 1/200

F Number: 11

Exposure Program: Manual

ISO: 250

Date/Time Original: 2013:06:21 04:38:42 UT

Focal Length: 1000.0 mm

Filter: Baader Planetarium Astrosolar Film



Exposure Time: 1/125

F Number: 11

Exposure Program: Manual

ISO: 800

Date/Time Original: 2013:06:22 22:49:03 UT

Focal Length: 1000.0 mm



Sun and Moon, Fausto Lubatti

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