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New Discovery - ZWO Nebula, Cy Borg

New Discovery - ZWO Nebula

New Discovery - ZWO Nebula, Cy Borg

New Discovery - ZWO Nebula


New Discovery - ZWO Nebula

Last week my 1-1/2 year old ZWO2600mm leaked silicone oil from the thermal pad all over the face of the sensor. rendering the camera usless.

I contacted ZWO and was told I would have to pay shipping and that they would need 8 weeks for camera inspection.
plus another few weeks. imagine 12 weeks with no camera?

What is there to inpect?

A week later my other camera started leaking oil ZWO2600MC

In the end I found their support of little use and fixed both cameras myself.



New Discovery - ZWO Nebula, Cy Borg