Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Pisces (Psc)  ·  Contains:  90 Psc  ·  91 Psc  ·  M 33  ·  NGC 598  ·  The star 1 Tri  ·  The star l Psc  ·  The star υ Psc  ·  Triangulum Galaxy  ·  Triangulum Pinwheel
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ISO Andromeda galaxy, maybe?, orionbonker93

ISO Andromeda galaxy, maybe?

Getting plate-solving status, please wait...
ISO Andromeda galaxy, maybe?, orionbonker93

ISO Andromeda galaxy, maybe?



Acquisition details



Super amateur hour. I was determined to photograph the Andromeda galaxy last weekend when I drove outside the city to a Bortle 3 area, but when I tried positioning my DSLR and taking 30second exposures of multiple areas in the sky, the galaxy I desired to capture was nowhere in the images. Until I stumbled upon something that looked similar to the beautiful swirl of a galaxy. Unsure of what a pre-processed image of a galaxy looks like, since this was my first time using my rig in it's full glory, I started taking captures with 90 second exposures, since I had only done a half decent job with calibrating my tracker.

Cut to processing where a friend helped me navigate through the steep learning curve, I was able to clean this image, and the final picture looked nothing like the Andromeda galaxy I was used to seeing while zooming in on Stellarium! And while I did have my doubts, I did not trust my "stars" enough to give me a glimpse of the Triangulum galaxy for my first capture ever! And here it is, Triangulum galaxy, with Iota and Upsilon Piscium in the upper right corner. Let me know your thoughts

Thanks for reading, and clear skies!

PS: First tried processing with DSS+Lightroom, but that image seemed over-processed. This image was edited solely using Siril. Would appreciate comments on ways to improve editing/processing skills. Do you see something that can be improved that I didn't?


Sky plot

Sky plot


ISO Andromeda galaxy, maybe?, orionbonker93