my very first Astro pic, Mordaen

my very first Astro pic

my very first Astro pic, Mordaen

my very first Astro pic



Acquisition details



Nothing much to say. 
This is my very first astro picture, since I aquired my new camera just a week ago. 

Goal was to learn something about stacking with the DeepSkyStacker, so I followed a tutorial from youtube (from nebula photos, shout out to him) and I guess it worked out pretty well. Conditions where not very good, since I shot it close to a 90k city in middle europe, should be something like bortle 5.

Had a very cheap tripod and made 900 images of the seen stars at 1sec ISO 2400, 70mm, wasn't even able to pinpoint what star I actuallys shot (might have been Arcturus, but I'm not entirely certain).

But that is hopefully just a start and more interesting pictures might come in the near future (=



my very first Astro pic, Mordaen