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3 Arm Spiral Galaxies, Gary Imm

3 Arm Spiral Galaxies

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3 Arm Spiral Galaxies, Gary Imm

3 Arm Spiral Galaxies



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Much has been written about 3 arm spiral galaxies over the years, starting with the famous 3 arm categorization that Dr. Halton Arp used in his Arp Catalogue, published in 1966.  Dr. Arp identified three 3 arm galaxies - Arp 19, Arp 20 and Arp 21. 

But are 3 arm galaxies a real thing?  Several papers have been written saying that they are, even though their formation mechanism is unexplainable using current theories of spiral structure.

Based on my experience, my view is no, there is no such thing as a true 3 arm galaxy.  Most spiral galaxies I have imaged have 2 arms, a few seem to have 4, while others are so fragmented or flocculent that it is hard to tell.  This latter group includes galaxies which have ragged disks and disrupted arm structures.  Especially when viewed at a distance, some of these have the appearance of 3 arms in the outer disk.  But when examined carefully in higher quality images, it becomes apparent that the “third arm” is not emanating from the core.  From my perspective, a true arm should emanate from the inner region of the galaxy disk and not simply pop up in the other disk as a fragment.  

In any case, I thought would be fun to put together the 3 arm galaxy poster that you see here, with the best 3 arm galaxy candidates I could find from the 1200+ galaxies that I have imaged.   I am sure that there are more 3 arm candidates out there that I have missed. 

The three categories of 3 arm galaxies listed in the poster are shown below, followed by the Astrobin link for each object.  All of these objects are seen in my Astrobin 3 Arm Galaxy Collection:

1.  The Arp 3 arm galaxies (Arp 18-20) in Arp’s section of his catalog that he called, naturally, 3 Arm Galaxies:
Arp 19
Arp 20
Arp 21

2.  In my opinion, better examples of 3-arm galaxies that I have found through my imaging:
NGC 7309
NGC 1242
NGC 613
NGC 2835

3.  Other examples of 3-arm galaxies that take more imagination to see:
NGC 7223
NGC 7102
NGC 1179
NGC 1187
NGC 5230
NGC 6106
NGC 2750
NGC 6951
NGC 7137
NGC 7437
NGC 7132

What do you think – is the 3 arm galaxy a true structure or not?
