Contains:  Extremely wide field

Image of the day 08/31/2023

Colorful Meteors - Perseids 2023, Dong Liang

Colorful Meteors - Perseids 2023

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging

Image of the day 08/31/2023

Colorful Meteors - Perseids 2023, Dong Liang

Colorful Meteors - Perseids 2023

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



We bumped into this desert trail x760 while looking for the right land scape in the Tengger Desert. The sign at the intersection says that this road can lead to Zhongwei. However, the navigation indicated that the road ahead was not fully open to traffic. There, we reached a quiet desert. On average, only 4 cars pass through here every night (We stayed 3 nights here). We simply set up our tents, deck chairs and equipments very close to the road. The family lay on this almost exclusive desert to enjoy the Perseid meteor shower. I wanted to try to teach my daughter how to use a telescope, but she seems to only care about the competition to see the most meteors. Of course, I couldn't beat her in this, I had to check out the cameras every few moment.

I brought two cameras and my onstep EQ3. Unfortunately I made a mistake and forgot to bring the power supply for the thing. I had to do the sky with single frames, and the stars are deasterous. Luckly, the two cameras recorded many wonderful meteors on the nights of the 12th and 13th. There are red ones, gold ones, and a really pink one.

More details on subs:
Landscape: 4 frames with Sigma [email]14-24f2.8@14mm[/email] + Nikon D800
Sky: 4 frames with Sigma [email]14-24f2.8@14mm[/email] + Nikon D800

Perseid meteors:
Laowa 12mmf2.8 + EOS R
Sigma [email]14-24f2.8@14mm[/email] + Nikon D800

2 nights, about 7 hours per night



Colorful Meteors - Perseids 2023, Dong Liang