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Bubble Nebula in Ha, BillyBoyBoy

Bubble Nebula in Ha

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Bubble Nebula in Ha, BillyBoyBoy

Bubble Nebula in Ha



Acquisition details



In a week of nice, clear, extremely still nights, the waxing Moon culminating into a Full Moon on the second of two nights of imaging this object, I continued my hydrogen alpha campaign.  Well placed in the sky this time of year, the Bubble Nebula posed for me all night long, enabling me to get a solid 12 hours of data, ultimately weeded down to 10.

The Bubble isn't a planetary nebula, as in the shell is not cast from a dying star.  It's an accumulation of the gas from the surrounding molecular cloud, scooped up and set aglow as the solar wind from the Bubble's central star continues to expand and presses in to the gas, carrying the built-up matter with it.

There's the brighter part of the gas in line with the face of the shell that gives the illusion of a reflection in a soap bubble.  One of my favorite visual treats in the sky.  From the noon to 3 o'clock position from the Bubble in this image, columns of gas and dust are found, resembling the Pillars of Creation in the Eagle Nebula (another upcoming Ha shot).

Hover over the image for a starless view.



  • Bubble Nebula in Ha, BillyBoyBoy
  • Bubble Nebula in Ha, BillyBoyBoy
  • Final
    Bubble Nebula in Ha, BillyBoyBoy


Bubble Nebula in Ha, BillyBoyBoy