Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cygnus (Cyg)  ·  Contains:  HD191611  ·  HD191765  ·  HD191917  ·  HD192103  ·  HD228063
A Progressive imaging set, WR134, Jim Medley
Powered byPixInsight

A Progressive imaging set, WR134

Revision title: Final version, no further updates

A Progressive imaging set, WR134, Jim Medley
Powered byPixInsight

A Progressive imaging set, WR134

Revision title: Final version, no further updates



Acquisition details



Wolf Rayet stars are primarily central stars of planetary nebula and WR 134 is no exception.  This image was processed from data collected at the Sierra Remote Observatory, and represents about 50% of the total planned frames in H-alpha and O-iii, thus a work in progress.  I pre-processed this using Astropixel Processor to generate the H-alpha image and the O-iii image then used BlurXterminator, GHS, and NoiseXterminator in Pixinsight before combining them to form the final HOO image.  Then some cosmetic curve tweaks in Lightroom to provide the image here. We don't even have the full dataset yet, and the resolution of the planetary nebula is quite impressive.  Thanks to Linda, Gowri, Tim, Bob and Chris at the PWO14 SRO team for allowing a novice to join your group and special thanks to Linda for coaching me through the intricacies and intimidations of PixInsight.



  • A Progressive imaging set, WR134, Jim Medley
  • A Progressive imaging set, WR134, Jim Medley
  • A Progressive imaging set, WR134, Jim Medley
  • A Progressive imaging set, WR134, Jim Medley
  • Final
    A Progressive imaging set, WR134, Jim Medley


Title: More progress

Description: Additional H-alpha and O-iii frames.

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Title: RGB Stars added and additional H-alpha and O-iii data.

Description: We included about an hour each of RGB. I only included RGB for the stars in the background/foreground so they are not included in the overall acquisition time.

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Title: The Eye of God

Description: Really starting to show the details in O-III. I am learning as I go and this version used Drizzle integration in APP for both H-alpha and O-III, prior to channel combination. Essentially a 2X drizzle which really flattened the field and cleaned up the noise. Though the file size is pretty unwieldy...

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Title: Final version, no further updates

Description: With the remaining few O-iii and H-alpha frames completed, this was processed in Astropixel Processor, with background correction and vignette correction for both sets, then combined as HOO in APP. The final HOO file was worked up PixInsight with stars removed and careful stretching with GHS and Curves to get the maximum resolution on the O-iii colors, then using NoiseXterminator. The stars were added back from the RGB data set, not the HO sets. Some final aesthetic touches within Lightroom for cropping out the amp glo and adjusting the contrast and saturation by eye.

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Sky plot

Sky plot


A Progressive imaging set, WR134, Jim Medley