M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy, mbroecker

M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy

M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy, mbroecker

M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy



Acquisition details



Captured this image of M51 during my stay at Mercey Hot Springs. Unfortunately, my battery gave out during the last captures and I could only get 12 (instead of 20) images for the blue channel.

Total integration time is:

20 x 120s for LRGB (with only 12 for B) = 72 x 120s = 144 min

After stacking and background subtraction I adjusted the red channel slightly to make it more pleasing to look at.

A wide-field telescope is not ideal for this image -- I wish I could zoom in more -- but you gotta work with the tools you have I'm still very happy how well tracking and the contrast in the galaxy's arms turned out. After stacking I noticed a couple of smudged stars around the M51; these turned out to be the galaxies NGC5169, IC4263 and NGC5229



M51 - Whirlpool Galaxy, mbroecker