Contains:  Gear
The Setup, Caleb Evans

The Setup

The Setup, Caleb Evans

The Setup


This entire process has felt like the next level to jumping off of the deep end. As an avid searcher and learner of the stars and what lies beyond, I told myself that when I finally save up the money, I'm going to buy myself a nice astrophotography setup. Well... As any of you who have taken up this hobby knows, it is not as simple as pointing a telescope in the air and taking incredible pictures. It requires intense research of knowing your equipment's strengths and limitations, learning how to get all of your gadgets to communicate with one another, and more than anything, figuring out the hard way of what to do or not to do through rigorous trial and error. Since the beginning of January to the current end of February, I have learned that I signed up for far beyond anything I was expecting after that first purchase. There have been more lows than highs through this process, but the weight of each victory has been greater than any problem or setback I've faced. This has been a wonderful journey; one that I am incredibly passionate about (or else I would have given up by now). Thank you to many of the friends, family and others in the astrophotography community who have continued to support and uplift me throughout this process. I owe a special thanks to my friend and neighbor Gary Imm who has acted as a mentor through this whole process and has been more than willing to lend a helping hand or share some of the plethora of astro-knowledge he has about this hobby. Stay tuned for pictures in the future!
