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Starless Flaming Star Nebula in HOO, Andi

Starless Flaming Star Nebula in HOO

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Starless Flaming Star Nebula in HOO, Andi

Starless Flaming Star Nebula in HOO



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I really like this nebula. It has such a unique look. 
I wanted to image this nebula since I have seen this picture on astrobin
It looks absolute striking and way better than my own attempt. Guess mono and over double the exposure time doing their magic here. 
If possible I will try to get a few more hours on this target, weather was an absolute catastrophe since early December for me, with only a few nights of clear skies. 

my processing was the following:

- stacked and normalized in app
- graxpert for gradient romoval 
- pixinsight for spcc and everything else
- some final adjustments in affinity photo

Thanks to chatGPT for the following lines ;)

The Flaming Star Nebula, also known as IC 405 or Caldwell 31, is a diffuse emission nebula located in the constellation Auriga. It is about 1,500 light-years away from Earth and covers an area of about five times the size of the full Moon in the night sky.The Flaming Star Nebula gets its name from the distinctive shape of the reddish-pink nebula, which resembles a fiery, flaming star. The nebula is primarily composed of hydrogen gas, which is ionized by the ultraviolet radiation from a nearby hot, young star called AE Aurigae. This process causes the gas to emit light, creating the glowing appearance of the nebula.In addition to the hydrogen gas, the Flaming Star Nebula also contains dust particles, which absorb and scatter light. This gives the nebula its intricate, filamentary structure and contributes to the overall reddish-pink color.The Flaming Star Nebula is a popular target for amateur astronomers and astrophotographers due to its striking appearance and relative brightness. It is best viewed from dark-sky locations using telescopes or large binoculars, and is particularly impressive when captured in long-exposure photographs.

the blue part of the Flaming Star Nebula, also known as IC 405, is primarily composed of ionized oxygen atoms and emits light in the wavelength of 500.7 nanometers. This emission line is a characteristic of doubly ionized oxygen, also known as OIII (oxygen three), which is excited by the radiation from nearby hot stars. The OIII emission is often observed in many types of astronomical objects, including planetary nebulae, supernova remnants, and HII regions like the Flaming Star Nebula.
Here are some random facts about the Flaming Star Nebula:
  1. The Flaming Star Nebula is also known as IC 405 and is located in the constellation Auriga.
  2. The nebula is an emission/reflection nebula and is approximately 1,500 light-years away from Earth.
  3. The name "Flaming Star" comes from the bright star AE Aurigae, which appears to be surrounded by a fiery red nebula.
  4. The nebula is illuminated by the star AE Aurigae, which is a young and massive O-type star.
  5. The Flaming Star Nebula spans over 5 light-years across and contains a mix of gas, dust, and ionized hydrogen.
  6. The nebula's reddish color comes from ionized hydrogen gas, while the blue hues are due to scattered light from the surrounding dust. (as far as I am aware there is a oiii nebula right under the reflection nebula)
  7. The Flaming Star Nebula is a popular target for astrophotography due to its vibrant colors and unique shape.
  8. The nebula is thought to be part of a larger molecular cloud complex that includes the Taurus Molecular Cloud.
  9. The nebula has been studied extensively by astronomers to better understand the formation and evolution of stars.
  10. The Flaming Star Nebula is one of many stunning objects in the night sky that showcases the beauty and complexity of the universe we live in.
