Contains:  Solar system body or event
A sun Question, Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau

A sun Question

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
A sun Question, Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau

A sun Question

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



The sun continues to hide some mysteries about its behavior, many times its dynamics can be unpredictable.
But on the morning of October 1, 2022, the sun wanted to show us in a very graphic way that it is a star with many unanswered questions. This huge and beautiful filament in the shape of a question mark clearly demonstrates it.
This photo is a mosaic of 2 panels, for each one I captured a video of 1700 frames and stacked 115 of them with AutoStakkert and applied wavelets with Registax. The final contrast and color adjustments were made with Photoshop.



A sun Question, Eduardo Schaberger Poupeau