Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Puppis (Pup)  ·  Contains:  HD64026  ·  HD64175  ·  HD64300  ·  HD64315  ·  HD64455  ·  HD64544  ·  HD64567  ·  HD64568  ·  HD64592  ·  HD64616  ·  HD64657  ·  HD64697  ·  HD64714  ·  HD64772  ·  HD64858  ·  HD64923  ·  HD65085  ·  LBN 1065  ·  LBN 1066  ·  LBN 1067  ·  NGC 2467  ·  Sh2-311
Under Pirate Skies, Astro With RoRo
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Under Pirate Skies

Under Pirate Skies, Astro With RoRo
Powered byPixInsight

Under Pirate Skies



Acquisition details



A night under Bortle 1 skies with my new Mach2GTO & 190 MakNewt.

Testing out a new mount under some very nice skies and wanted to try a target I've never attempted before. The 190MN is a tough scope to control, but the Mach2 did it with style & ease. Will probably come back to this data and try re-processing it, but really happy with how the raw data looks.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Under Pirate Skies, Astro With RoRo