Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Coma Berenices (Com)  ·  Contains:  1 Ceres  ·  11.89  ·  410 Chloris  ·  7.09  ·  IC 783  ·  IC 787  ·  M 100  ·  NGC 4312  ·  NGC 4321  ·  NGC 4322  ·  NGC 4328  ·  NGC 4340  ·  NGC 4350  ·  NGC 4379  ·  NGC 4383  ·  NGC 4396  ·  NGC 4405
(1) Ceres dwarf planet + M 100 Blowdryer Galaxy group, Georg Woeber
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(1) Ceres dwarf planet + M 100 Blowdryer Galaxy group

(1) Ceres dwarf planet + M 100 Blowdryer Galaxy group, Georg Woeber
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(1) Ceres dwarf planet + M 100 Blowdryer Galaxy group



Acquisition details



Probably the only weather-related chance in these days to record this close flyby of Ceres at M 100.
Windy conditions with scattered rainshowers kept me busy with roof-open/roof-close efforts all night ;).

This picture covers a period of 4.5 hours of Ceres movement.

Apparently the plate solving overlay shows Ceres at 00:00 hours of 25 March 2023, 22 hours before I started recording.
That explains the deviation between the astrometric position and the effectively visible trail of Ceres.


Sky plot

Sky plot


(1) Ceres dwarf planet + M 100 Blowdryer Galaxy group, Georg Woeber

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