Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  IC 1795  ·  IC 1805  ·  IC 1824  ·  IC 1831  ·  IC 1848  ·  IC 289  ·  LBN 645  ·  LBN 646  ·  LBN 647  ·  LBN 648  ·  LBN 650  ·  LBN 654  ·  LBN 655  ·  LBN 656  ·  LBN 657  ·  LBN 658  ·  LBN 659  ·  LBN 660  ·  LBN 661  ·  LBN 662  ·  LBN 663  ·  LBN 664  ·  LBN 665  ·  LBN 667  ·  LBN 669  ·  LBN 670  ·  LBN 672  ·  LBN 673  ·  LBN 674  ·  LBN 675  ·  And 105 more.
Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin
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Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic

Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin
Powered byPixInsight

Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic



Acquisition details



I've been working on this mosaic with a ZenithStar 61ii throughout August, September, and October. Each panel integrates a minimum of 7 hours of 6 minute exposures at dual narrowband. The mosaic shown here integrates 107.5 hours of photons. 

Take a look for the Heart Nebula, Soul Nebula, Fish Head Nebula, quite a few planetary nebulas, and quite a few more hydrogen-rich formations. 

For each panel, I extracted and stacked Ha and [OIII] separately, then processed to remove light pollution. 

I then stitched separate mosaics for Ha and [OIII] and combined them with an HOO2 palette.

I found that taking adding 3-6 panels at a time and carefully matching across boundaries was helpful in building a consistent mosaic. I also found that the LNC typically suggested for mosaics (LNC degree 4, 3 iterations) introduced wavy artifacts across the mosaic, but blending with simple MBB (20% overlap) gave a much better result since I had already reduced light pollution from the individual panels.

C: Uncropped Ha mosaic

D: Uncropped [OIII] mosaic 

E: Uncropped HOO2 mosaic 

F: Heart Nebula crop 

G: Tighter crop on Heart Nebula

H: Heart of the Heart 

I: Soul Nebula 

J: LBN 674 and SH2-200 (planetary nebulas)

K: Full resolution PNG (Warning! 180 MB) 

L: JPEG compressed mosaic (max dimension reduced to 10,000 px)



  • Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin
  • Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin
  • Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin
  • Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin
  • Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin
  • Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin
  • Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin
  • Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin
  • Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin
  • Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin
  • Final
    Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin


Description: Uncropped [OIII] mosaic (90% scale due to JPEG limits, 50% quality)

Uploaded: ...


Description: Uncropped HOO2 mosaic with no further processing (90% scale due to JPEG limits, 50% quality)

Uploaded: ...


Description: Zoom / crop on the Heart Nebula

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Description: Tighter zoom on the Heart Nebula

Uploaded: ...


Description: Heart of the Heart

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Description: Zoom and crop on the Soul Nebula

Uploaded: ...


Description: LBN 674, SH2-200 (not photographed very often!)
These are star forming regions and planetary nebulas.

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Description: Full resolution high quality PNG (warning: 180 MB)

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Description: Cropped and processed, JPEG compressed to a max dimension of 10,000 pixels for easy viewing.

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Description: A reprocess with slightly better color work, and a lighter (minimal) touch with Topaz to better preserve the original details.

Uploaded: ...

Sky plot

Sky plot


Heart and Soul Nebulas at 2"/px resolution : 15-panel mosaic, Paul Macklin

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