Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Leo (Leo)  ·  Contains:  NGC 2903
NGC 2903, Roberto Marinoni
NGC 2903
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NGC 2903, Roberto Marinoni
NGC 2903
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Acquisition details



NGC 2903 is a spiral barred galaxy in Leo constellation: with dimensions 12.6'x5.5' and magnitude 9.7, it is one of the most remarkable galaxies in the nothern emisphere.
It is located 24 millions light years away and its real diameter is 88000 light years, so a bit smaller than Milky Way.
Large amount of dusts dominate the inner regions and the spiral arms which begin there.
On the lower side of the image its is visible the faint galaxy UGC 5086, which is believed to be a companion of NGC 2903.
(text adapted from "The Cambridge Photographic Atlas of Galaxies")


Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC 2903, Roberto Marinoni