Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Ursa Major (UMa)  ·  Contains:  HD122471  ·  HD122865  ·  M 101  ·  NGC 5422  ·  NGC 5447  ·  NGC 5449  ·  NGC 5450  ·  NGC 5451  ·  NGC 5453  ·  NGC 5455  ·  NGC 5457  ·  NGC 5461  ·  NGC 5462  ·  NGC 5471  ·  NGC 5473  ·  NGC 5474  ·  NGC 5477  ·  NGC 5484  ·  NGC 5485  ·  NGC 5486  ·  PGC 214207  ·  PGC 2448110  ·  PGC 2449271  ·  PGC 2455022  ·  PGC 2456753  ·  PGC 2456975  ·  PGC 2457015  ·  PGC 2457151  ·  PGC 2464645  ·  PGC 2468609  ·  And 39 more.
Messier 101 - Pinwheel Galaxy, Lucas Mourey
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Messier 101 - Pinwheel Galaxy

Messier 101 - Pinwheel Galaxy, Lucas Mourey
Powered byPixInsight

Messier 101 - Pinwheel Galaxy



Acquisition details



Second test session with the monochrome camera and its LRGB filters (and therefore LRGB processing in PixInsight). It was also about testing a new advanced sequence in NINA... which turned out to be catastrophic.

The composition of the image is deliberate: I wanted to integrate NGC 5422, NGC 5474 and NGC 5485 (among many others!) into the field.
Only about 1h30 of integration, because the clouds came in and I encountered some tracking problems before the meridian flip.

I can't wait to be able to image a full night: it's been months since that's been possible here.
