Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Monoceros (Mon)  ·  Contains:  HD288923  ·  HD288933  ·  HD288934  ·  HD288935  ·  HD288936  ·  HD288970  ·  HD288971  ·  HD288973  ·  HD288974  ·  HD288975  ·  HD288976  ·  HD288977  ·  HD288978  ·  HD288979  ·  HD288980  ·  HD288981  ·  HD288982  ·  HD288983  ·  HD288984  ·  HD288985  ·  HD288986  ·  HD288987  ·  HD288988  ·  HD289031  ·  HD289032  ·  HD289033  ·  HD289034  ·  HD289035  ·  HD289036  ·  HD289039  ·  And 315 more.
Sh2-284 - The Portal Nebula, Antoine Grelin
Sh2-284 - The Portal Nebula, Antoine Grelin

Sh2-284 - The Portal Nebula

Sh2-284 - The Portal Nebula, Antoine Grelin
Sh2-284 - The Portal Nebula, Antoine Grelin

Sh2-284 - The Portal Nebula



Acquisition details



Sh2-284 is an emission nebula in Monoceros. While doing research for my write-up about this image, I realized that several people (including on Astrobin) call this the Little Rosette Nebula. This is not true, as the Little Rosette Nebula is Sh2-270. Just like the IFN vs ISM terms, we have to be careful not to blindly share false information because that spreads quickly! 

Either way, this nebula does not have a name, so I decided to call it the Portal Nebula. Yes, I have no right to name this nebula, and it will never be official, but it looks like a portal to me, so I name it the Portal nebula. See comparison image with little stick figures. Hey at least I'm not calling it the Little Rosette.

This is 30.5 hours with the SVX130 and SHO filters from Utah Desert Remote Observatories. I completely forgot to shoot RGB stars for this (what a noob!) so I had to make due with SHO stars 😅

Full blog post about it: https://www.galactic-hunter.com/post/sh2-284



  • Final
    Sh2-284 - The Portal Nebula, Antoine Grelin
  • Sh2-284 - The Portal Nebula, Antoine Grelin


Title: Portal Nebula with stick figures

Description: Little stick figure jumping into the portal.

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Sky plot

Sky plot


Sh2-284 - The Portal Nebula, Antoine Grelin