Contains:  Solar system body or event
Moon High Res Composite Lunar X/Lunar V, Stephen Heliczer FRAS

Moon High Res Composite Lunar X/Lunar V

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
Moon High Res Composite Lunar X/Lunar V, Stephen Heliczer FRAS

Moon High Res Composite Lunar X/Lunar V

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



This is a high resolution image of the Moon taken two nights ago.  The "Lunar X/Lunar V" can be seen.  This is a composite of 13 stacked images, each comprising of 5,000 individual frames (a total of 65,000 individual captures).  Taken with a Celestron C11 telescope on C-Gem mount, ASI462MM camera, stacked in Autostakkert!4, wavelet sharpening in Registax, montage created in Microsoft ICE (Image Composite Editor).



Moon High Res Composite Lunar X/Lunar V, Stephen Heliczer FRAS