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What to Do During Monsoon Season: Lightning Strike, John Verderame

What to Do During Monsoon Season: Lightning Strike

What to Do During Monsoon Season: Lightning Strike, John Verderame

What to Do During Monsoon Season: Lightning Strike


With clouds almost nightly during the summer monsoon season here where we are in Arizona, I try to come up with other things to shoot in the heavens, like the Sun during the day (with a filter, of course), the occasional rainbow, cloud formations, and this "lucky imaging" shot from last night.  We had a pretty awesome lightning show to the south of us last evening, so I had to at least give it a try and was thrilled that I caught this one on the 11th shot using my Nikon Coolpix P900, manual setting of 1-second exposure at f/5.6.



What to Do During Monsoon Season: Lightning Strike, John Verderame