Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Andromeda (And)  ·  Contains:  NGC 891
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NGC-891  The Silver Silver Galaxy, Steve Argereow
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NGC-891 The Silver Silver Galaxy

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NGC-891  The Silver Silver Galaxy, Steve Argereow
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NGC-891 The Silver Silver Galaxy



Acquisition details



NGC-891  The Silver Silver Galaxy

NGC 891 (also known as Caldwell 23, the Silver Sliver Galaxy, and the Outer Limits Galaxy) is an edge-on unbarred spiral galaxy about 30 million light-years away in the constellation Andromeda.  It was discovered by William Herschel on October 6, 1784.  The galaxy is a member of the NGC 1023 group of galaxies in the Local Supercluster.  It has an H II nucleus.  The object is visible in small to moderate size telescopes as a faint elongated smear of light with a dust lane visible in larger apertures.  In 1999, the Hubble Space Telescope imaged NGC 891 in infrared.  In 2005, due to its attractiveness and scientific interest, NGC 891 was selected to be the first light image of the Large Binocular Telescope. In 2012, it was again used as a first light image of the Lowell Discovery Telescope with the Large Monolithic Imager.  Supernova SN 1986J was discovered on August 21, 1986 at apparent magnitude 14.

Information Credits:  Wikipedia

Telescope:  Explorer Scientific 127mm CF APO Refractor f/7.5

Mount  IOptron CEM40

Camera ZWO1600MM

30 X 150 Second Exposures W/ZWO Red Filter    Gain 139 Offset    21 -15C Binning 1 x 1
30 X 150 Second Exposures W/ZWO Green Filter   Gain 139 Offset    21  21 -15C Binning 1 x 1
30 X 150 Second Exposures W/ZWO Blue Filter      Gain 139 Offset    21  21 -15C Binning 1 x 1
20 Dark Frames
Total Integration Time:  3 Hours   45 Minutes

Acquisition with SharpCap
Stacked with Astro Pixel Processor
Guiding PHD2
Processed with Astra Image

Photo taken from Seven Lakes, NC  Bortle 4.5



  • NGC-891  The Silver Silver Galaxy, Steve Argereow
  • Final
    NGC-891  The Silver Silver Galaxy, Steve Argereow

Sky plot

Sky plot


NGC-891  The Silver Silver Galaxy, Steve Argereow