Contains:  Gear
110 GTX Flat with ASI6200 and .8 TCC binned 2x2, RobWashDCAstro

110 GTX Flat with ASI6200 and .8 TCC binned 2x2

110 GTX Flat with ASI6200 and .8 TCC binned 2x2, RobWashDCAstro

110 GTX Flat with ASI6200 and .8 TCC binned 2x2


Flat field image of Astro-Physics 110 GTX with ZWO ASI6200 full frame sensor and A-P .8 telecompressor, binned 2x2.



110 GTX Flat with ASI6200 and .8 TCC binned 2x2, RobWashDCAstro