Horse Head Nebula IC434 and Flame Nebula, rodmagic

Horse Head Nebula IC434 and Flame Nebula

Horse Head Nebula IC434 and Flame Nebula, rodmagic

Horse Head Nebula IC434 and Flame Nebula



Acquisition details



The Horsehead Nebula ( IC434 ) in the Orion Constellation. The bright star on the left side of Horse head nebula is Alnitak ( most left star of Orion’s Belt ) and under Alnitak is the Flame nebula.
This is my best work for this nebula so far, it took me 4 nights to take 550 photos to stack together. Thanks for clear dark sky in Tenerife.
In the last photo, you can also see the Orion Nebula, Alnitak and Anilam ( the middle star of Orion’s Belt )
And also my first editing wok with PixInsight



Horse Head Nebula IC434 and Flame Nebula, rodmagic