Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Orion (Ori)  ·  Contains:  48 Ori  ·  48 sig Ori  ·  50 Ori)  ·  50 zet Ori  ·  Alnitak  ·  B33  ·  Flame Nebula  ·  HD294272  ·  HD37524  ·  HD37525  ·  HD37564  ·  HD37633  ·  HD37641  ·  HD37642  ·  HD37661  ·  HD37662  ·  HD37699  ·  HD37744  ·  HD37776  ·  HD37805  ·  HD37806  ·  HD37903  ·  HD37904  ·  HD37927  ·  HD37985  ·  HD38087  ·  HD38099  ·  Horsehead nebula  ·  IC 432  ·  IC 434  ·  And 16 more.
The Horsehead and Flame Nebula, Evan Boyle
Powered byPixInsight

The Horsehead and Flame Nebula

The Horsehead and Flame Nebula, Evan Boyle
Powered byPixInsight

The Horsehead and Flame Nebula



Acquisition details



I thought I would make another attempt at shooting the very popular horsehead and flame nebula. It's a little late in the season here to be shooting this target so I had to take my light frames over the course of 7 nights but I'm still really happy with how it turned out. I learned a lot about my hardware over the course of shooting this target (especially how important taking good flat frames are) and I also learned a whole bunch of new post-processing techniques thanks to Shawn Nielsen's YouTube tutorials. I've never used Russell Croman's Pixinsight tools until now but I'm blown away by their utility and ease of use, it made the whole Pixinsight workflow so much easier! 
When I inevitably revisit this target, the only things I would do differently would be to fix the framing slightly to get a full view of IC432 and also start shooting earlier in the season to have more RGB data. I hope you enjoy the final version

Ha: 104 x 300s
L: 110 x 180s
R: 20 x 180s
G: 20 x 180s
B: 20 x 180s

Flats: 33x each night for each channel
Darks: 40x for each exposure time
Dark flats: 40x for each exposure time


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Horsehead and Flame Nebula, Evan Boyle